Rainbow For Africa UK
A brighter future for healthcare working together


Since 2016, Rainbow for Africa UK have trained and supported local healthcare professionals operating under challenging environmental circumstances (for example remote and/or deprived settings)

Medical Camps

Since 2016, Rainbow for Africa UK volunteers have participated in a number of free medical camps in collaboration with local partners of the St Paul

Healthcare in the slums

Rainbow For Africa UK is actively involved in medical activities in some of the slums in Nairobi in collaboration with local health authorities and other

Point Of Care UltraSound

R4AUK –MMUST POCUS Training school in Western Kenya Rainbow for Africa UK has been awarded by THET a grant to develop and run a SCHOOL

A message from our Chairman

On behalf of my fellow Trustees, volunteers and everyone who supports Rainbow for Africa UK, welcome to our website. I am very proud to lead


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Registered Charity Number 1173982