What we do

Rainbow for Africa is an international network of volunteers, mainly health professionals but not only, working with partners to promote equal access to dignified living conditions and health interventions in underprivileged African communities, focusing on introducing new technologies, upskilling local staff, and promoting a culture of solidarity with the involvement of local medical professionals. We value equality, collaboration, cultural diversity, and building bridges among people from different backgrounds.

Where we work

Rainbow for Africa UK operates mainly in Kenya, partnering with local stakeholders including government and non-government orginsations. We setup free medical camps to treat vulnerable populations with limited access to public healthcare and provide Point Of Care UltraSound schools to upskill local healthcare profressionals. We also provide healthcare services directly to people's homes in Nairobi's slums, Deep Sea, and Kangemi. This includes simple check-ups, hospital referrals, and basic care for those living under precarious conditions.

We are the first charity to provide healthcare to the people of Deep Sea directly to their homes.

What we address

Our primary mission is to increase the quality, specificity and accessibility of health systems in Kenya. We aim to respond to humanitarian need, supporting clinical staff to travel to areas requiring their targeted expertise with direct patient care or by training local clinicians. Our work aims to make sustainable improvements, leaving skills and expertise within the region once our specific mission is complete.

"We will strive at all times to implement this mission statement with the highest professional and ethical standards."

- Dr Massimo Gozzelino, Chairman of the Board of Trustees R4AUK

Join the Rainbow for Africa mission to transform healthcare in Kenya and beyond!

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